We’ve all been told that we should recycle plastic bottles and containers.
But what actually happens to the plastic if we just throw it away? Emma Bryce traces the life cycles of three different plastic bottles, shedding light on the dangers these disposables present to our world.
Plastics are useful. They’re used to help make lifesaving medical supplies, lightweight, fuel-efficient car parts, and insulation for our homes.
But nearly half of all plastic produced goes towards single-use items such as bags, straws, utensils and takeout containers. Since the 1950s, humans have produced about 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic. Every year, 8 million metric tons end up in the ocean.
Globally, only 9% of plastics are recycled.
As the waste piles up, there’s a growing demand for alternatives. There’s a number of companies trying to develop cost-efficient and eco-friendly substitutes, from mushroom packaging to advanced fibers and plastic-free online shopping. But it may take serious legislative efforts to incentive adoption and slow the rise of the industry overall.
Today we are celebrating International Women’s Day 2021. CHOOSE TO CHALLENGE. A challenged world is an ALERT world. And from challenge comes CHANGE. Let us celebrate all the positive changes women have experienced since 1921 and all those that are to come in the next 100 years.
Your voice matters, use it! Write a postcard to a policymaker ask them what they’re doing to create a fairer, safer, cleaner and more transparent fashion industry. You can download a template and instructions from Fashion Revolution’s website www.fashionrevolution.org/get-involved
What do you know about the clothes in your wardrobe? About the clothes that you’re wearing right now? Clara Vuletich works with some of the biggest brands in the world to help them ask the right questions about where the clothes that we wear come from.
We have only just begun…. Following the Open Letter signed by over 450 industry-wide signatories, we invite you to support our campaign to save the fashion industry. We have a simple 6 STEP action as detailed below, which we are asking you to complete STEP 3 and STEP 4. All campaign visual assets (for Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn) can be found in Googledrive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1mKSW3STe2PsGmIB3vI0w9QCiRlkrW4mF?usp=sharing_eip&ts=601ac3e9
Press Release about the Open Letter can be found here
For INSTAGRAM Please use moving MP4 asset for Instagram if possible. Alternatively, use the single image with large text that states Don’t make fashion history. Suggested text for Instagram: We urge the Government to hear us and act: don’t make fashion history.”
STEP 1. Unite the fashion industry to discuss key issues, impacts and unforeseen consequences of Brexit.
STEP 2. Open Letter with over 450 fashion industry signatories delivered to the Government with a call to action to meet us and work together to create solutions to save our industry.
STEP 3. Send a letter to your local MP, using Fashion Roundtable’s letter template. It will take the same amount of time to send as boiling a kettle.
STEP 4. Share social media campaign graphic and #dontmakefashionhistory to raise awareness and keep the pressure on for our call to action. Tag your local MP.
STEP 5. Meeting with the Government.
STEP 6. Government commits to policies that work for the fashion industry. #dontmakefashionhistory
There may be no silver lining to a pandemic, but some people have been lucky enough to find one in lockdown. @theguiltyfeminist have been filling our feeds (and hearts) with gratitude by celebrating the little wins. Join Choose Love, @jameslawthers and @theguiltyfeminist, and share your own unexpected silver linings. Be sure to share the love by making a purchase at #ChooseLove, the world’s first shop that sells real items for refugees.